
从零实现一个 PHP 微框架 - IoC 容器


差不多该写写该系列文章了,咕了好几天 ?。

在 XK-PHP 中 IoC 容器是框架的核心,其掌管着框架中实例的存储和初始化,并提供自动依赖注入等功能,我们可以把 IoC 容器看成一个拥有存储功能的工厂,当我们需要某个实例的时候,工厂会依靠需求将实例组装好并返回给需求者,如果实例是单例的,那么制作好的实例就可以存到仓库中,当需求者再次需要的时候就可以直接返回实例。需求者无需关心实例是如何制造的,只需要将需求提交给工厂即可。这看起来似乎就是工厂模式?IoC 容器和 工厂模式 很类似,但是工厂模式注入的依赖是定死的,而 IoC 容器可以依据需求按需注入依赖。

DI & IoC

由于我之前写过 DI 和 IoC 的介绍文章,这里就不重复写了,链接见下方:

IoC 容器

由于之前的文章已经说明了 IoC 容器的实现了,这里就不再讲解 IoC 容器内部的细节了,本文就只讲述将 IoC 容器集成到我们上次创建的项目之中。

首先,因为我们的容器需要兼容 PSR-11 ,那么就需要引入 psr/container 的包,来引入 ContainerInterface 接口:

composer require psr/container
composer require psr/container

然后容器需要使用两个自定义函数,我们将其放到 app/Helper/functions.php 中,并修改 composer.json,使函数能被 Composer 自动导入并且全局生效

// functions.php

// 解析 class@method 的字符串,返回 [class, method] 数组
function str_parse_callback($callback, $default = null)
    if (is_array($callback)) {
        return $callback;
    if (strpos($callback, '@') !== false) {
        return explode('@', $callback);
    if (strpos($callback, '::') !== false) {
        return explode('::', $callback);
    return [$callback, $default];

// 解析 [class, method] 或 [class, split, method] 到 class@method 或 class::method
function str_stringify_callback(
    $default = null,
    bool $isStatic = false
) {
    $split = $isStatic ? '::' : '@';
    if (is_array($callback)) {
        return implode($split, $callback);
    if (preg_match('/@|::/', $callback) > 0) {
        return $callback;
    if ($default === null) {
        return $callback;
    return "{$callback}{$split}{$default}";
// functions.php

// 解析 class@method 的字符串,返回 [class, method] 数组
function str_parse_callback($callback, $default = null)
    if (is_array($callback)) {
        return $callback;
    if (strpos($callback, '@') !== false) {
        return explode('@', $callback);
    if (strpos($callback, '::') !== false) {
        return explode('::', $callback);
    return [$callback, $default];

// 解析 [class, method] 或 [class, split, method] 到 class@method 或 class::method
function str_stringify_callback(
    $default = null,
    bool $isStatic = false
) {
    $split = $isStatic ? '::' : '@';
    if (is_array($callback)) {
        return implode($split, $callback);
    if (preg_match('/@|::/', $callback) > 0) {
        return $callback;
    if ($default === null) {
        return $callback;
    return "{$callback}{$split}{$default}";
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/"
    // 新增
    "files": ["app/Helper/functions.php"]
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "App\\": "app/"
    // 新增
    "files": ["app/Helper/functions.php"]

修改了 composer.jsonautoload 后需要运行以下命令后才能生效

composer dump-auto
composer dump-auto

然后就可以写容器的代码了,首先创建 app/Kernel/Container.php 的文件,输入以下代码,本文的容器代码和之前的文章中的容器不一样,但是流程是一样的:


namespace App\Kernel;

use Closure;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use ReflectionFunction;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionParameter;
use RuntimeException;
use function array_pad;
use function class_exists;
use function compact;
use function count;
use function is_array;
use function is_bool;
use function is_int;
use function is_string;
use function preg_match;
use function str_parse_callback;
use function strpos;

 * IoC 容器,兼容 PSR-11
class Container implements ContainerInterface
     * 容器中存储依赖的数组
     * 存储的是闭包,运行闭包会返回对应的依赖实例
     * @var array
    protected $bindings = [];

     * 绑定方法
     * @var array
    protected $methodBindings = [];

     * 已创建的单例实例
     * @var array
    protected $instances = [];

     * 自动通过类名绑定类
     * @var bool
    protected $autobind = true;

     * 依赖别名
     * @var string[]
    protected $aliases = [];

     * 绑定依赖
     * @param string|array $abstract 依赖名或者依赖列表
     * @param Closure|string|null $concrete 依赖闭包
     * @param bool $shared
     * @param bool|string $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function bind(
        $concrete = null,
        bool $shared = false,
        $alias = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): Container {
        // 同时绑定多个依赖
        if (is_array($abstract)) {
            foreach ($abstract as $_abstract => $value) {
                if (is_int($_abstract)) {
                    $_abstract = $value;
                $_concrete = null;
                $_shared = false;
                $_alias = false;
                $_overwrite = false;
                if (is_bool($value)) {
                    $_shared = $value;
                } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                    [$_concrete, $_shared, $_alias, $_overwrite] = array_pad(
                    $_concrete === false ? null : $_concrete,
            return $this;
        [$abstract, $alias] = $this->getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        // 为了方便绑定依赖,可以节省一个参数
        if ($concrete === null) {
            $concrete = $abstract;
        $this->setBinding($abstract, $concrete, $shared, $overwrite);
        if ($alias) {
            $this->alias($abstract, $alias);
        // 返回 this 使其支持链式调用
        return $this;

    // 设置 binding
    protected function setBinding(
        string $abstract,
        bool $shared = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): void {
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        // 传入的默认是闭包,如果没有传入闭包则默认创建
        if (!$concrete instanceof Closure) {
            $concrete = function (Container $c, array $args = []) use (
            ) {
                return $c->build($concrete, $args);
        // 判断是否是单例,是否被设置过
        if (!$overwrite && $shared && isset($this->bindings[$abstract])) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Target [$abstract] is a singleton and has been bind"
        // 设置绑定的闭包
        $this->bindings[$abstract] = compact('concrete', 'shared');

    // 获取 binding
    protected function getBinding(string $abstract)
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        if (!isset($this->bindings[$abstract])) {
            // 尝试自动绑定
            if (
                $this->autobind &&
                $abstract[0] !== '$' &&
            ) {
                $this->setBinding($abstract, $abstract);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Target [$abstract] is not binding or fail autobind"
        return $this->bindings[$abstract];

    // 判断 binding 是否存在
    protected function hasBinding(string $abstract): bool
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        return isset($this->bindings[$abstract]);

     * 实例化对象
     * @param string $abstract 对象名称
     * @param array $args
     * @return  mixed
    public function make(string $abstract, array $args = [])
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        $binding = $this->getBinding($abstract);
        $concrete = $binding['concrete'];
        $shared = $binding['shared'];
        // 判断是否是单例,若是单例并且已经实例化过就直接返回实例
        if ($shared && isset($this->instances[$abstract])) {
            return $this->instances[$abstract];
        // 构建实例
        $instance = $concrete($this, $args);
        // 判断是否是单例,若是则设置到容器的单例列表中
        if ($shared) {
            $this->instances[$abstract] = $instance;
        return $instance;

     * 绑定单例
     * @param string $abstract 依赖名称
     * @param mixed $concrete 依赖闭包
     * @param bool|string $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function singleton(
        string $abstract,
        $concrete = null,
        $alias = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): Container {
        $this->bind($abstract, $concrete, true, $alias, $overwrite);
        return $this;

     * 绑定已实例化的单例
     * @param string $abstract 依赖名称
     * @param mixed $instance 已实例化的单例
     * @param string|false $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function instance(
        string $abstract,
        $alias = false
    ): Container {
        [$abstract, $alias] = $this->getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        $this->instances[$abstract] = $instance;
            function () use ($instance) {
                return $instance;
        return $this;

     * 构建实例
     * @param Closure|string $class 类名或者闭包
     * @param array $args
     * @return  mixed
     * @throws ReflectionException
    public function build($class, array $args = [])
        if ($class instanceof Closure) {
            return $class($this, $args);
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            return $class;
        // 取得反射类
        $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class);
        // 检查类是否可实例化
        if (!$reflector->isInstantiable()) {
            // 如果不能,意味着接口不能正常工作,报错
            throw new RuntimeException("Target [$class] is not instantiable");
        // 取得构造函数
        $constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
        // 检查是否有构造函数
        if ($constructor === null) {
            // 如果没有,就说明没有依赖,直接实例化
            $instance = new $class();
        } else {
            // 返回已注入依赖的参数数组
            $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($constructor, $args);
            // 利用注入后的参数创建实例
            $instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($dependency);
        return $instance;

     * 注入依赖
     * @param ReflectionFunction|ReflectionMethod $method
     * @param array $args
     * @return  array
    protected function injectingDependencies($method, array $args = []): array
        $dependency = [];
        $parameters = $method->getParameters();
        foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
            if (isset($args[$parameter->name])) {
                $dependency[] = $args[$parameter->name];
            // 利用参数的类型声明,获取到参数的类型,然后从 bindings 中获取依赖注入
            $dependencyClass = $parameter->getClass();
            if ($dependencyClass === null) {
                $dependency[] = $this->resolvePrimitive($parameter);
            } else {
                // 实例化依赖
                $dependency[] = $this->resolveClass($parameter);
        return $dependency;

     * 处理非类的依赖
     * @param ReflectionParameter $parameter
     * @return  mixed
    protected function resolvePrimitive(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
        $abstract = $parameter->name;
        // 通过 bind 获取
        if ($this->hasBinding('$' . $parameter->name)) {
            $abstract = '$' . $parameter->name;
        // 匹配别名
        if ($this->isAlias($abstract)) {
            $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        try {
            $concrete = $this->getBinding($abstract)['concrete'];
        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            $concrete = null;
        if ($concrete !== null) {
            return $concrete instanceof Closure ? $concrete($this) : $concrete;
        if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
            return $parameter->getDefaultValue();
        throw new RuntimeException("Target [$$parameter->name] is not binding");

     * 处理类依赖
     * @param ReflectionParameter $parameter
     * @return  mixed
    protected function resolveClass(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
        try {
            return $this->make($parameter->getClass()->name);
        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                return $parameter->getDefaultValue();
            throw $e;

     * 设置自动绑定
     * @param   bool  $use  是否自动绑定类
     * @return  void
    public function useAutoBind(bool $use): void
        $this->autobind = $use;

     * 判断是否绑定了指定的依赖
     * @param $id
     * @return  bool
    public function has($id): bool
        return $this->hasBinding($id);

     * 同 make
     * @param   string  $id  对象名称
     * @return  mixed
    public function get($id)
        return $this->make($id);

    public function hasMethod(string $method): bool
        return isset($this->methodBindings[$method]);

    public function bindMethod(string $method, $callback): void
        $this->methodBindings[$method] = $callback;

    protected function getMethodBind(string $method)
        if (isset($this->methodBindings[$method])) {
            return $this->methodBindings[$method];
        throw new RuntimeException("Target [$method] is not binding");

    public function call(
        array $args = [],
        $object = null,
        $isStatic = false
    ) {
        if ($object !== null) {
            return $this->callMethod($object, $method, $isStatic, $args);
        if (
            is_array($method) ||
            (is_string($method) && preg_match('/@|::/', $method) > 0)
        ) {
            return $this->callClass($method, $args);
        if (is_string($method)) {
            $method = $this->getMethodBind($method);
        return $this->callFunction($method, $args);

    protected function callFunction($method, array $args = [])
        $reflector = new ReflectionFunction($method);
        $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($reflector, $args);
        return $reflector->invokeArgs($dependency);

     * @param string|array $target
     * @param array $args
     * @return mixed
    protected function callClass($target, array $args = [])
        $class = null;
        $method = null;
        $object = null;
        $isStatic = false;
        if (is_string($target)) {
            $isStatic = strpos($target, '@') === false;
            [$class, $method] = str_parse_callback($target);
            $object = $this->bindAndMakeReflection($class, $isStatic);
        } else {
            if (count($target) === 3) {
                [$class, $split, $method] = $target;
                $isStatic = $split === '::';
            } else {
                [$class, $method] = $target;
            $object = $this->bindAndMakeReflection($class, $isStatic);
        return $this->callMethod($object, $method, $isStatic, $args);

    protected function bindAndMakeReflection(
        string $class,
        bool $isStatic = false
    ) {
        if ($isStatic) {
            return $class;
        if (!$this->has($class)) {
        return $this->make($class);

    protected function callMethod(
        $isStatic = false,
        array $args = []
    ) {
        $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($object, $method);
        $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($reflector, $args);
        return $reflector->invokeArgs($isStatic ? null : $object, $dependency);

    public function isAlias(string $name): bool
        return isset($this->aliases[$name]);

    public function alias(string $abstract, string $alias): void
        if ($abstract === $alias) {
        $this->aliases[$alias] = $abstract;

    public function getAlias($abstract)
        foreach ($this->aliases as $alias => $value) {
            if ($value === $abstract) {
                return $alias;
        return $abstract;

    public function removeAlias($alias): void

    protected function getAbstractByAlias($alias)
        return $this->aliases[$alias] ?? $alias;

    protected function getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        $inAlias = false
    ): array {
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($alias);
        if ($alias === $abstract) {
            return [$abstract, $inAlias];
        if (!$inAlias) {
            return [$abstract, $alias];
        return [$abstract, $inAlias];

namespace App\Kernel;

use Closure;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use ReflectionFunction;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ReflectionParameter;
use RuntimeException;
use function array_pad;
use function class_exists;
use function compact;
use function count;
use function is_array;
use function is_bool;
use function is_int;
use function is_string;
use function preg_match;
use function str_parse_callback;
use function strpos;

 * IoC 容器,兼容 PSR-11
class Container implements ContainerInterface
     * 容器中存储依赖的数组
     * 存储的是闭包,运行闭包会返回对应的依赖实例
     * @var array
    protected $bindings = [];

     * 绑定方法
     * @var array
    protected $methodBindings = [];

     * 已创建的单例实例
     * @var array
    protected $instances = [];

     * 自动通过类名绑定类
     * @var bool
    protected $autobind = true;

     * 依赖别名
     * @var string[]
    protected $aliases = [];

     * 绑定依赖
     * @param string|array $abstract 依赖名或者依赖列表
     * @param Closure|string|null $concrete 依赖闭包
     * @param bool $shared
     * @param bool|string $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function bind(
        $concrete = null,
        bool $shared = false,
        $alias = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): Container {
        // 同时绑定多个依赖
        if (is_array($abstract)) {
            foreach ($abstract as $_abstract => $value) {
                if (is_int($_abstract)) {
                    $_abstract = $value;
                $_concrete = null;
                $_shared = false;
                $_alias = false;
                $_overwrite = false;
                if (is_bool($value)) {
                    $_shared = $value;
                } elseif (is_array($value)) {
                    [$_concrete, $_shared, $_alias, $_overwrite] = array_pad(
                    $_concrete === false ? null : $_concrete,
            return $this;
        [$abstract, $alias] = $this->getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        // 为了方便绑定依赖,可以节省一个参数
        if ($concrete === null) {
            $concrete = $abstract;
        $this->setBinding($abstract, $concrete, $shared, $overwrite);
        if ($alias) {
            $this->alias($abstract, $alias);
        // 返回 this 使其支持链式调用
        return $this;

    // 设置 binding
    protected function setBinding(
        string $abstract,
        bool $shared = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): void {
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        // 传入的默认是闭包,如果没有传入闭包则默认创建
        if (!$concrete instanceof Closure) {
            $concrete = function (Container $c, array $args = []) use (
            ) {
                return $c->build($concrete, $args);
        // 判断是否是单例,是否被设置过
        if (!$overwrite && $shared && isset($this->bindings[$abstract])) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Target [$abstract] is a singleton and has been bind"
        // 设置绑定的闭包
        $this->bindings[$abstract] = compact('concrete', 'shared');

    // 获取 binding
    protected function getBinding(string $abstract)
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        if (!isset($this->bindings[$abstract])) {
            // 尝试自动绑定
            if (
                $this->autobind &&
                $abstract[0] !== '$' &&
            ) {
                $this->setBinding($abstract, $abstract);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Target [$abstract] is not binding or fail autobind"
        return $this->bindings[$abstract];

    // 判断 binding 是否存在
    protected function hasBinding(string $abstract): bool
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        return isset($this->bindings[$abstract]);

     * 实例化对象
     * @param string $abstract 对象名称
     * @param array $args
     * @return  mixed
    public function make(string $abstract, array $args = [])
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        $binding = $this->getBinding($abstract);
        $concrete = $binding['concrete'];
        $shared = $binding['shared'];
        // 判断是否是单例,若是单例并且已经实例化过就直接返回实例
        if ($shared && isset($this->instances[$abstract])) {
            return $this->instances[$abstract];
        // 构建实例
        $instance = $concrete($this, $args);
        // 判断是否是单例,若是则设置到容器的单例列表中
        if ($shared) {
            $this->instances[$abstract] = $instance;
        return $instance;

     * 绑定单例
     * @param string $abstract 依赖名称
     * @param mixed $concrete 依赖闭包
     * @param bool|string $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function singleton(
        string $abstract,
        $concrete = null,
        $alias = false,
        bool $overwrite = false
    ): Container {
        $this->bind($abstract, $concrete, true, $alias, $overwrite);
        return $this;

     * 绑定已实例化的单例
     * @param string $abstract 依赖名称
     * @param mixed $instance 已实例化的单例
     * @param string|false $alias
     * @param bool $overwrite
     * @return  Container
    public function instance(
        string $abstract,
        $alias = false
    ): Container {
        [$abstract, $alias] = $this->getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        $this->instances[$abstract] = $instance;
            function () use ($instance) {
                return $instance;
        return $this;

     * 构建实例
     * @param Closure|string $class 类名或者闭包
     * @param array $args
     * @return  mixed
     * @throws ReflectionException
    public function build($class, array $args = [])
        if ($class instanceof Closure) {
            return $class($this, $args);
        if (!class_exists($class)) {
            return $class;
        // 取得反射类
        $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class);
        // 检查类是否可实例化
        if (!$reflector->isInstantiable()) {
            // 如果不能,意味着接口不能正常工作,报错
            throw new RuntimeException("Target [$class] is not instantiable");
        // 取得构造函数
        $constructor = $reflector->getConstructor();
        // 检查是否有构造函数
        if ($constructor === null) {
            // 如果没有,就说明没有依赖,直接实例化
            $instance = new $class();
        } else {
            // 返回已注入依赖的参数数组
            $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($constructor, $args);
            // 利用注入后的参数创建实例
            $instance = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($dependency);
        return $instance;

     * 注入依赖
     * @param ReflectionFunction|ReflectionMethod $method
     * @param array $args
     * @return  array
    protected function injectingDependencies($method, array $args = []): array
        $dependency = [];
        $parameters = $method->getParameters();
        foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
            if (isset($args[$parameter->name])) {
                $dependency[] = $args[$parameter->name];
            // 利用参数的类型声明,获取到参数的类型,然后从 bindings 中获取依赖注入
            $dependencyClass = $parameter->getClass();
            if ($dependencyClass === null) {
                $dependency[] = $this->resolvePrimitive($parameter);
            } else {
                // 实例化依赖
                $dependency[] = $this->resolveClass($parameter);
        return $dependency;

     * 处理非类的依赖
     * @param ReflectionParameter $parameter
     * @return  mixed
    protected function resolvePrimitive(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
        $abstract = $parameter->name;
        // 通过 bind 获取
        if ($this->hasBinding('$' . $parameter->name)) {
            $abstract = '$' . $parameter->name;
        // 匹配别名
        if ($this->isAlias($abstract)) {
            $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($abstract);
        try {
            $concrete = $this->getBinding($abstract)['concrete'];
        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            $concrete = null;
        if ($concrete !== null) {
            return $concrete instanceof Closure ? $concrete($this) : $concrete;
        if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
            return $parameter->getDefaultValue();
        throw new RuntimeException("Target [$$parameter->name] is not binding");

     * 处理类依赖
     * @param ReflectionParameter $parameter
     * @return  mixed
    protected function resolveClass(ReflectionParameter $parameter)
        try {
            return $this->make($parameter->getClass()->name);
        } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
                return $parameter->getDefaultValue();
            throw $e;

     * 设置自动绑定
     * @param   bool  $use  是否自动绑定类
     * @return  void
    public function useAutoBind(bool $use): void
        $this->autobind = $use;

     * 判断是否绑定了指定的依赖
     * @param $id
     * @return  bool
    public function has($id): bool
        return $this->hasBinding($id);

     * 同 make
     * @param   string  $id  对象名称
     * @return  mixed
    public function get($id)
        return $this->make($id);

    public function hasMethod(string $method): bool
        return isset($this->methodBindings[$method]);

    public function bindMethod(string $method, $callback): void
        $this->methodBindings[$method] = $callback;

    protected function getMethodBind(string $method)
        if (isset($this->methodBindings[$method])) {
            return $this->methodBindings[$method];
        throw new RuntimeException("Target [$method] is not binding");

    public function call(
        array $args = [],
        $object = null,
        $isStatic = false
    ) {
        if ($object !== null) {
            return $this->callMethod($object, $method, $isStatic, $args);
        if (
            is_array($method) ||
            (is_string($method) && preg_match('/@|::/', $method) > 0)
        ) {
            return $this->callClass($method, $args);
        if (is_string($method)) {
            $method = $this->getMethodBind($method);
        return $this->callFunction($method, $args);

    protected function callFunction($method, array $args = [])
        $reflector = new ReflectionFunction($method);
        $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($reflector, $args);
        return $reflector->invokeArgs($dependency);

     * @param string|array $target
     * @param array $args
     * @return mixed
    protected function callClass($target, array $args = [])
        $class = null;
        $method = null;
        $object = null;
        $isStatic = false;
        if (is_string($target)) {
            $isStatic = strpos($target, '@') === false;
            [$class, $method] = str_parse_callback($target);
            $object = $this->bindAndMakeReflection($class, $isStatic);
        } else {
            if (count($target) === 3) {
                [$class, $split, $method] = $target;
                $isStatic = $split === '::';
            } else {
                [$class, $method] = $target;
            $object = $this->bindAndMakeReflection($class, $isStatic);
        return $this->callMethod($object, $method, $isStatic, $args);

    protected function bindAndMakeReflection(
        string $class,
        bool $isStatic = false
    ) {
        if ($isStatic) {
            return $class;
        if (!$this->has($class)) {
        return $this->make($class);

    protected function callMethod(
        $isStatic = false,
        array $args = []
    ) {
        $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($object, $method);
        $dependency = $this->injectingDependencies($reflector, $args);
        return $reflector->invokeArgs($isStatic ? null : $object, $dependency);

    public function isAlias(string $name): bool
        return isset($this->aliases[$name]);

    public function alias(string $abstract, string $alias): void
        if ($abstract === $alias) {
        $this->aliases[$alias] = $abstract;

    public function getAlias($abstract)
        foreach ($this->aliases as $alias => $value) {
            if ($value === $abstract) {
                return $alias;
        return $abstract;

    public function removeAlias($alias): void

    protected function getAbstractByAlias($alias)
        return $this->aliases[$alias] ?? $alias;

    protected function getAbstractAndAliasByAlias(
        $inAlias = false
    ): array {
        $abstract = $this->getAbstractByAlias($alias);
        if ($alias === $abstract) {
            return [$abstract, $inAlias];
        if (!$inAlias) {
            return [$abstract, $alias];
        return [$abstract, $inAlias];




namespace App\Entry;

// app/Entry/Cat.php
class Cat
    public function name(): string
        return "Cat";

// app/Entry/Dog.php
class Dog
    public function name(): string
        return "Dog";

// app/Entry/CatShop.php
class CatShop
     * @var Cat
    protected $cat;

    public function __construct(Cat $cat)
        $this->cat = $cat;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->cat->name();

// app/Entry/DogShop.php
class DogShop
     * @var Dog
    protected $dog;

    public function __construct(Dog $dog)
        $this->dog = $dog;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->dog->name();

namespace App\Entry;

// app/Entry/Cat.php
class Cat
    public function name(): string
        return "Cat";

// app/Entry/Dog.php
class Dog
    public function name(): string
        return "Dog";

// app/Entry/CatShop.php
class CatShop
     * @var Cat
    protected $cat;

    public function __construct(Cat $cat)
        $this->cat = $cat;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->cat->name();

// app/Entry/DogShop.php
class DogShop
     * @var Dog
    protected $dog;

    public function __construct(Dog $dog)
        $this->dog = $dog;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->dog->name();

然后修改 public/index.php 文件,把之前 Test 相关的代码都删了,然后添加以下代码:

// public/index.php

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(Cat::class, null, 'cat');
$container->bind(Dog::class, null, 'dog');


/* @var CatShop $cat_shop */
$cat_shop = $container->make(CatShop::class);
/* @var DogShop $dog_shop */
$dog_shop = $container->make(DogShop::class);

echo $cat_shop->getName() . "\n"; // Cat
echo $dog_shop->getName() . "\n"; // Dog
// public/index.php

$container = new Container();

$container->bind(Cat::class, null, 'cat');
$container->bind(Dog::class, null, 'dog');


/* @var CatShop $cat_shop */
$cat_shop = $container->make(CatShop::class);
/* @var DogShop $dog_shop */
$dog_shop = $container->make(DogShop::class);

echo $cat_shop->getName() . "\n"; // Cat
echo $dog_shop->getName() . "\n"; // Dog

添加完毕后就可以进行测试了,运行 index.php

可以看到,我们并没有写赋值 CatDog 的代码,按理使用的时候应该为 null,而 CatShopDogShop 却可以正常使用,这是因为 IoC 容器中为我们完成了赋值的工作,我们只需要关心需要使用什么而不需要关心依赖是如何来的,这样就可以很好的解耦代码,同时也简化了代码的编写。


结语。。。实在不知道写什么了 ?。

从零实现一个 PHP 微框架 - IoC 容器

  • 许可协议


  • 本文作者

    Otstar Lin

  • 发布于



从零实现一个 PHP 微框架 - Bootstrap 启动加载从零实现一个 PHP 微框架 - PSR & Composer