

为什么要添加同步 Action?

在某些操作中,如获取内存中的数据时,需要立即返回对应的值,而 Vuex 的 Action 规定了只能返回一个 Promise,这时,如果我们想获取返回值就需要使用 then 或者 await,代码就会变得不直观,而如果触发 Mutation 再从 State 获取值也是同理,所以如何能让 Action 不是异步的又能保持和 Vuex 的 Action 拥有一样的功能呢?

添加同步 Action

首先我们先看看 Vuex 的 Action 的结构是如何的:

const actions = {
  asyncAction(context, data) {
    // do soming...
const actions = {
  asyncAction(context, data) {
    // do soming...

可以看到,action 中传入了 context 和 data,所以我们添加的同步 action 也需要增加这两个参数,同时将 store 绑定到 action 的 this。

const actions = {
  asyncAction(context, data) {
    // do soming...

export const syncActions = {
  // 同时导出,以便后续的操作
  syncActin(context, data) {
    // do soming...
    return val;


export default {
  namespaced: true,
const actions = {
  asyncAction(context, data) {
    // do soming...

export const syncActions = {
  // 同时导出,以便后续的操作
  syncActin(context, data) {
    // do soming...
    return val;


export default {
  namespaced: true,

在 index.js 导入对应的模块和同步 actions 对象,同时导出修改过的同步 action,用于 mapSyncActions,并为每个同步 action 绑定 this 和注入参数。

import note, { syncActions as syncNote } from "./modules/note";
import { dispatchSync } from "./syncActions";

export const syncActions = {
  note: syncNote,

for (const nKey in syncActions) {
  let getters = {};
  for (const gKey of Object.keys(store.getters)) {
    let k = gKey.split("/");
    if (k[0] === nKey) {
      Object.defineProperty(getters, k[1], {
        get() {
          return store.getters[gKey];
  for (const iKey in syncActions[nKey]) {
    syncActions[nKey][iKey] = syncActions[nKey][iKey].bind(store, {
      state: store.state[nKey],
      rootState: store.state,
      commit: function (type, payload = null, options = null) {
        store.commit(nKey + "/" + type, payload, options);
      dispatch: function (type, payload = null, options = { root: false }) {
        let t = options.root ? type : nKey + "/" + type;
        return store.dispatch(t, payload);
      dispatchSync: function (type, payload = null, options = { root: false }) {
        let t = options.root ? type : nKey + "/" + type;
        return dispatchSync(t, payload);
      rootGetters: store.getters,
      getters: getters,

store.syncActions = syncActions;
store.dispatchSync = dispatchSync;
import note, { syncActions as syncNote } from "./modules/note";
import { dispatchSync } from "./syncActions";

export const syncActions = {
  note: syncNote,

for (const nKey in syncActions) {
  let getters = {};
  for (const gKey of Object.keys(store.getters)) {
    let k = gKey.split("/");
    if (k[0] === nKey) {
      Object.defineProperty(getters, k[1], {
        get() {
          return store.getters[gKey];
  for (const iKey in syncActions[nKey]) {
    syncActions[nKey][iKey] = syncActions[nKey][iKey].bind(store, {
      state: store.state[nKey],
      rootState: store.state,
      commit: function (type, payload = null, options = null) {
        store.commit(nKey + "/" + type, payload, options);
      dispatch: function (type, payload = null, options = { root: false }) {
        let t = options.root ? type : nKey + "/" + type;
        return store.dispatch(t, payload);
      dispatchSync: function (type, payload = null, options = { root: false }) {
        let t = options.root ? type : nKey + "/" + type;
        return dispatchSync(t, payload);
      rootGetters: store.getters,
      getters: getters,

store.syncActions = syncActions;
store.dispatchSync = dispatchSync;

然后,我们还要实现对应的 dispatch 方法和 mapActions 方法,来实现调用该 action,在 index.js 同级文件夹下添加一个 syncActions.js

import { syncActions } from "./index";

function addMethod(object, name, fn) {
  var old = object[name];
  object[name] = function () {
    if (fn.length === arguments.length) {
      return fn.apply(this, arguments);
    } else if (typeof old === "function") {
      return old.apply(this, arguments);

const mod = {};

addMethod(mod, "mapSyncActions", (map) => {
  let fn = {};
  let namespace = "";
  let action = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
    [namespace, action] = map[i].split("/");
    if (syncActions[namespace]) {
      fn[action] = syncActions[namespace][action];
  return fn;

addMethod(mod, "mapSyncActions", (namespace, map) => {
  let fn = {};
  for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
    if (syncActions[namespace]) {
      fn[map[i]] = syncActions[namespace][map[i]];
  return fn;

export const mapSyncActions = mod.mapSyncActions;
export function dispatchSync(type, payload = null) {
  let namespace = "";
  let action = "";
  [namespace, action] = type.split("/");
  if (syncActions[namespace]) {
    return syncActions[namespace][action](payload);
import { syncActions } from "./index";

function addMethod(object, name, fn) {
  var old = object[name];
  object[name] = function () {
    if (fn.length === arguments.length) {
      return fn.apply(this, arguments);
    } else if (typeof old === "function") {
      return old.apply(this, arguments);

const mod = {};

addMethod(mod, "mapSyncActions", (map) => {
  let fn = {};
  let namespace = "";
  let action = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
    [namespace, action] = map[i].split("/");
    if (syncActions[namespace]) {
      fn[action] = syncActions[namespace][action];
  return fn;

addMethod(mod, "mapSyncActions", (namespace, map) => {
  let fn = {};
  for (let i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
    if (syncActions[namespace]) {
      fn[map[i]] = syncActions[namespace][map[i]];
  return fn;

export const mapSyncActions = mod.mapSyncActions;
export function dispatchSync(type, payload = null) {
  let namespace = "";
  let action = "";
  [namespace, action] = type.split("/");
  if (syncActions[namespace]) {
    return syncActions[namespace][action](payload);

如果要在 Vuex 模块中使用,只需要导入 syncActions.js 然后同 Vuex 的 action 调用一样即可。

import { dispatchSync } from "../syncActions";

let info = dispatchSync("note/listOperate", {
  operate: "get",
  storage: storage,
  path: path,
import { dispatchSync } from "../syncActions";

let info = dispatchSync("note/listOperate", {
  operate: "get",
  storage: storage,
  path: path,

若要在组件中使用,只需要同 mapActions 一样使用 mapSyncActions 即可,或者使用 dispatchSync。

import { mapSyncActions } from "./store/syncActions";

export default {
  methods: {
    ...mapSyncActions("note", ["listOperate"]),
    fun() {
import { mapSyncActions } from "./store/syncActions";

export default {
  methods: {
    ...mapSyncActions("note", ["listOperate"]),
    fun() {


说实在搞这个其实没啥用,因为用到的机会其实也很小,只是当初我把 XK-Note 重构到 Vuex 时,不想修改太多的代码逻辑搞出来的,本文的实例具体可以查看 XK-Note。


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  • 本文作者

    Otstar Lin

  • 发布于


